What is a Chemical Peel?

Chemical peels are one of the least invasive ways to improve and smooth skin appearance. This form of skin rejuvenation combines a chemical solution to be applied in an office setting. These solutions remove the outer layers of skin, which are often damaged due to environmental factors and natural aging. Treated areas usually include the face, neck, chest, or hands.

Medium Chemical Peel

In order to see a more distinct improvement, deeper layers of the skin can be affected through stronger peels. A medium chemical peel will often involve trichloroacetic acid (TCA). This solution will effectively remove the outer layer of the skin as well as the upper part of the middle layer. Post-therapy redness, stinging, and skin crusting should be expected with care to avoid sun for the following few months. In taking these precautions, the new layer of skin can be protected, allowing for healing and rejuvenation. These peels are targeted towards acne scars, deeper wrinkles, and uneven skin pigmentation.

Deep Chemical Peel

Deep chemical peels represent that strongest solution used, penetrating the deepest layers of the skin, and allowing for the most impactful rejuvenation. Large areas of sun damage, scars, and deep wrinkles are all targets of this treatment. Usually, pretreatment with a retinoic acid (Vitamin A) cream or gel for two months before the procedure is recommended. This regimen thins the skin and allows the peel to be able to penetrate more evenly. Deep chemical peels often consist of a phenol and croton oil solution. Unlike the superficial and medium peels, this deeper peel requires local sedation and anesthetic for patient comfort and safety. Adequate recovery time of at least 2 weeks is very important to achieve optimal and dramatic results which can last up to 10 years.

Chemical Peels Animations

Watch a Video on what to expect during your Chemical Peels Procedure